How to register
Please read the following instruction carefully Full Registration for Eurosla 25 will be done in two stages: (1) Eurosla membership payment (2) Online registration and payment of the conference fees. These two stages are compulsory to complete your registration. Stage 1: Eurosla membership In your own space on this website, click on "membership" ("adhésion" in the French version) in the column on the left Eurosla25 membership (2015/1016) Full member: 50€, student member 30€ You can make the payment of your eurosla membership fee in two ways: (don’t forget to give your name and affiliation and the words "eurosla25 " when you make the transfer) * by money transfer IBAN FR76 1670 5090 1708 7716 4674 664 BIC CEPAFRPP670 * by online credit card payment (paybox) Once you have filled in the requested information, you will be re-directed to the bank account Eurosla 25 - COFDELA for online payment. ******** Stage 2: Online registration and payment of the fees for the conference Conference fees: v Early registration (until June 15th)
v Late registration (from June 16thto July 17th or on site during the conference)
v Dinner : 35 € Registration (for the conference and reservation for the Conference dinner) will proceed in 2 steps. Step 1: Pre-Registration Go to Select your language (either English or French) Select « pre-registration » in the EUROSLA25 conference Select the status as "Researcher" (post-doc = Researcher) or "Student" Fill in the proposed form and Validate by OK Wait until your pre-registration is validated by our services Please note that validation of your pre-registration may take a few minutes or several days, depending on when you register (faster on open week days). When your pre-registration is validated, you receive a confirmation email indicating the link to the CNRS web site for confirmation of your registration and payment by credit card. You then go to Step 2.
Step 2: To confirm your registration (Only when your pre-registration is validated by email) Go back on OR click on the link indicated in your pre-registration confirmation email and fill in the different sections Please choose the fees (as Researcher /Post-doc or as student) and check « dinner » if you want to attend the conference dinner of 28/08/2015 *Important: the IRIS discount (35 euros)(as Researchers /Post-doc IRIS or as students IRIS rate) will apply to the first 20 delegates who have agreed to contribute to the IRIS database. For more information: Dinner : If you want to attend the dinner, you have to check the option « dinner » (Fee for Dinner will be paid in cash on the conference site). Accompanying persons will not be able to register for the Conference dinner online. They will pay on site, but must first send an email to (subject : dinner and att. stephanie Desous) for booking. You will be asked to enter your credit card information. When the procedure is complete, you will receive confirmation of payment and registration. You will receive the invoice by email. NOTA BENE: DURING THE MONTH OF AUGUST, YOU MAY GO THROUGH THE FIRST STAGE OF REGISTRATION BUT YOU SHALL HAVE TO PAY THE CONFERENCE FEES AT THE VENUE IN CASH. THIS APPLIES ALSO FOR EUROSLA MEMBERSHIP. A COMPTER DE DEBUT AOÛT, VOUS POURREZ ENTAMER LA PREMIERE ETAPE DE L'INSCRIPTION SUR LE SITE MAIS VOUS DEVREZ RèGLER LES FRAIS D'INSCRIPTION SUR PLACE, A LA CONFÉRENCE, EN ESPéCES. IL EN SERA DE MÊME POUR LA COTISATION EUROSLA. Cancellation of Congress Participation For cancellations received before August 10th, 2015, the registration fees will be refunded minus a 20% handling fee for administrative costs. No refund can be made for cancellations received after August 10th 2015 |