Keynote speakers
Camilla BARDEL holds a PhD in Italian Linguistics. Her doctoral thesis on La negazione nell'italiano degli Svedesi . Sequenze acquisizionali e influssi translinguistici, was defended in 2000 at the Department of Romance Languages, University of Lund (Sweden). Since 2010, she has been Full Professor at Stockholm University (Sweden). Her main areas of research are the study of L3 acquisition, research on multilingualism, corpus linguistics and lexicography. C. Bardel is well known for her work on the acquisition of the syntax of a third language. She recently published The acquisition of French as a second language : New developmental perspectives with Christina Lindqvist. The title of her plenary lecture is Metalinguistic Knowledge and L3 Learning. ***** Sandra BENAZZO defended her doctoral thesis entitled L'acquisition des particules de portée en français, anglais et allemand L2. Etudes longitudinales comparées, at Université Paris 8, in 2000. She began her career as a lecturer at Université Lille 3 in 2002. In 2014, she was recruited as a professor of Linguistics in Paris 8. Her main areas of research are the comparison between L2 and L1 acquisition, and the acquisition of finiteness, informational structure and textual cohesion in L2. She is the Associate Editor of the journal Language, Interaction, Acquisition (John Benjamins) . The title of her plenary lecture is : Langage, protolangage et systèmes linguistiques en développement : comment les études en L2 peuvent contribuer aux débats sur l’origine du langage? ***** Christine DIMROTH defended her doctoral thesis entitled Fokuspartikeln und im Deutschen Informationsgliederung at the Freie Universität (Berlin) in 1998. After working at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen, she was recruited as full Professor in Osnabrück. Since 2013, she has been a professor of German linguistics at Westfälischen Wilhelms University, Münster. Her research areas include, among others, language acquisition and multilingualism, the acquisition of information structure and discourse structure and appropriation of foreign language scope particles. The title of her plenary lecture is: The creation of initial input Learner Varieties under controlled conditions. ***** Scott H. JARVIS defended his doctoral thesis, entitled The Role of L1 -Based Concepts in L2 Lexical Reference at Indiana University in 1997. He has spent most of his career at Ohio University, where he has been a full Professor since 2013. His areas of research concern transfer, lexical acquisition in different linguistic contexts and corpus linguistics. He is the author of numerous publications, including Crosslinguistic influence in language and cognition (Routledge) with Aneta Pavlenko in 2008. The title of his plenary lecture is : Explorations in Lexical Diversity ***** Gabriele PALLOTTI defended his doctoral thesis, Comunicare con poche parole. L'acquisizione e l'uso dell'italiano da parte di una bambina marocchina at the University of Bologna in 1994. He began his career at the University of Sassari in 2001. He joined the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in 2005. Since 2014, he has been a university professor at Modena and Reggio Emilia. He conducts research at the interface of SLA and language teaching and on methodological issues in applied linguistics. The title of his plenary lecture is: Studying the role of context in SLA: Theoretical approaches, definitions and research